I didn't get much time to work upon this topic and the main source for these
information are the mails I got these days and some research in Google. Summing up all these information I think it would be a good collection to buildup one blog.
This is one of the independence day wishes I got from my friend. Let this be the starter to you.

Nehru and Gandhi at AICC meeting, July 1946:

Mountbatten arrives at Delhi airport; received by Nehru and Liaquat Ali. March 25, 1947:

Golden Seconds: Aug. 15, 1947: Mountbatten swears Nehru in as Prime Minister of India:

Gandhiji Addressing people:

TRAIN TO PAKISTAN: India 1947. Trains packed with refugees - Hindus and Sikhs headed for India, and Muslims headed for Pakistan - were convenient targets for gangs of killers on both sides of the border. Inadequately protected 'Refugee Specials' were typically stopped, and the occupants butchered, several times in the course of the journey.

Riots - Punjab, 1947:

Partition to this extend. For what? - A Library being divided at the time of partition. Heart trembles to see this sight and it is tough to imagine the state of the nation at the moment when people needed to hold hands:

1948: The news of Gandhi's assassination hits the streets. A stunned crowd gathers in Calcutta.

1948: Crowds in New Delhi wait for a glimpse of Gandhi's funeral procession.

1971: Indira Gandhi reviews the troops, in the context of military and diplomatic preparations for the Bangladesh War.

India Present an overview - some information I found which we can be proud about.
- 00 year old ancient civilization
- § 325 languages spoken – 1,652 dialects
- § 18 official languages
- § 29 states, 5 union territories
- § 3.28 million sq. kilometers - Area
- § 7,516 kilometers - Coastline
- § 1.3 Billion population.
- § 5600 dailies, 15000 weeklies and 20000 periodicals in 21 languages with a combined circulation of 142 million.
- § GDP $576 Billion. (GDP rate 8%)
- § Parliamentary form of Government
- § Worlds largest democracy.
- § Worlds 4th largest economy.
- § World-class recognition in IT, bio-technology and space.
- § Largest English speaking nation in the world.
- § 3rd largest standing army force, over 1.5Million strong.
- § 2nd largest pool of scientists and engineers in the World.
Indians in the USA
38% of doctors in the USA, 12% of scientists in the USA, 36% of NASA scientists, 34% of Microsoft employees, 28% of IBM employees, 17% of INTEL scientists, 13% of XEROX employees, ........list goes on....§
- Of the 1.5M Indians living in the USA, 1/5th of them live in the Silicon Valley.
- 35% of Silicon Valley start-ups are by Indians.
- Indian students are the largest in number among foreign students in USA.
IIT = Harvard + MIT + Princeton:
"The United States imports oil from Saudi Arabia, cars from Japan, TVs from Korea and Whiskey from Scotland. So what do we import from India? We import people, really smart people," co-host Leslie Stahl began while introducing the segment on IIT.
“…the smartest, the most successful, most influential Indians who've migrated to the US seem to share a common credential: They are graduates of the IIT.”
“…in science and technology, IIT undergraduates leave their American counterparts in the dust.”
“Think about that for a minute: A kid from India using an Ivy League university as a safety school. That's how smart these guys are.”
There are “cases where students who couldn't get into computer science at IIT, they have gotten scholarships at MIT, at Princeton, at Caltech.”
CBS' highly-regarded ‘60 Minutes’, the most widely watched news programme in the US, told its audience of more than 10 Million viewers that “IIT may be the most important university you've never heard of."
"The United States imports oil from Saudi Arabia, cars from Japan, TVs from Korea and Whiskey from Scotland. So what do we import from India? We import people, really smart people," co-host Leslie Stahl began while introducing the segment on IIT.
“…the smartest, the most successful, most influential Indians who've migrated to the US seem to share a common credential: They are graduates of the IIT.”
“…in science and technology, IIT undergraduates leave their American counterparts in the dust.”
“Think about that for a minute: A kid from India using an Ivy League university as a safety school. That's how smart these guys are.”
There are “cases where students who couldn't get into computer science at IIT, they have gotten scholarships at MIT, at Princeton, at Caltech.”
Poverty (incidence) :
Education (literacy rate)
1980s =56
1990s =60
2000 =69
Health (life expectancy)
1980s =56
1990s =60
2000 =69
India - A Brief History of Time
Some Great Peoples:

I personally think now we should understand the real meaning of these words.

Subhas Chandra Bose(January 23, 1897 – presumably August 18, 1945):
Bose was elected president of the Indian National Congress for two consecutive terms. However, he had to resign from the post in the face of a motion of no-confidence, stemming from ideological conflicts with Mahatma Gandhi. Bose felt that Mahatma Gandhi's tactics of non-violence would never be sufficient to secure India's independence, and advocated violent resistance. He established a separate political party, the All India Forward Bloc and continued to call for the full and immediate independence of India from British rule. His stance did not change with the outbreak of War, which he saw as an opportunity to take advantage of British weakness.

Great Indian Mathematician, whose interest from academics at Trinity, College, Cambridge, led him to collaborate there and postulate and prove well over 3,542 theorems.

1998 - The Nobel Prize for Economics for his redefining work on ethical welfare economics. Currently residing as Lamont University Professor Emeritus at Harvard, after stepping down from the prestigious post of Master of Trinity College, Cambridge.

1930 - Nobel Laureate in Physics for work on scattering of light and Raman effect.

USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century old suspicion amongst academics that the pioneer of wireless-radio communication was Professor Jagdish Chandra Bose and not Guglielmo Marconi.
Some of rare collections, announcing the glory of our country.- Vedic Civilization
- Indus & Saraswati Civilizations
- Rise of Jainism and Buddhism
- Mauryan Period Golden
- Age of Indian Arts & Sciences
- Muslim Invasions
- The Mughal Empire
- Portuguese Invasion
- The British East-India Company
- The British Empire
- India's Freedom Struggle Independence
- Modern India 2020 Vision

Gandhi was once asked what he thought about Western Civilization. His response was:
"I think it would be a good idea. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. The only devils in this world are those running around inside our own hearts, and that is where all our battles should be fought.”
“If all Christians acted like Christ, the whole world would be Christian.”
“Woman, I hold, is the personification of self-sacrifice, but unfortunately today she does not realize what tremendous advantage she has over man.”
“Indians, will stagger humanity without shedding a drop of blood.”
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
“If all Christians acted like Christ, the whole world would be Christian.”
“Woman, I hold, is the personification of self-sacrifice, but unfortunately today she does not realize what tremendous advantage she has over man.”
“Indians, will stagger humanity without shedding a drop of blood.”
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
I personally think now we should understand the real meaning of these words.

Subhas Chandra Bose(January 23, 1897 – presumably August 18, 1945):
Bose was elected president of the Indian National Congress for two consecutive terms. However, he had to resign from the post in the face of a motion of no-confidence, stemming from ideological conflicts with Mahatma Gandhi. Bose felt that Mahatma Gandhi's tactics of non-violence would never be sufficient to secure India's independence, and advocated violent resistance. He established a separate political party, the All India Forward Bloc and continued to call for the full and immediate independence of India from British rule. His stance did not change with the outbreak of War, which he saw as an opportunity to take advantage of British weakness.

Srinivasa Ramanujam,(1887 – 1920):
Great Indian Mathematician, whose interest from academics at Trinity, College, Cambridge, led him to collaborate there and postulate and prove well over 3,542 theorems.

Amartya Sen, (b-1933):
1998 - The Nobel Prize for Economics for his redefining work on ethical welfare economics. Currently residing as Lamont University Professor Emeritus at Harvard, after stepping down from the prestigious post of Master of Trinity College, Cambridge.

Sir C.V. Raman, (1888 – 1970)
1930 - Nobel Laureate in Physics for work on scattering of light and Raman effect.

Satyendranath Bose, (1894-1974)
Indian Physicist, who solved one of the mysteries of quantum mechanics, showing that in the quantum world some particles are indistinguishable. His collaborations with Albert Einstein led to a new branch on statistical mechanics know commonly known as the “Einstein-Bose” statistics.

Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose, (1858 – 1937)
USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century old suspicion amongst academics that the pioneer of wireless-radio communication was Professor Jagdish Chandra Bose and not Guglielmo Marconi.

That's all Folks.......Let me stop here...I know it is nothing but at least I should do this as a proud citizen of the nation. isn't?
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